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🏠 All Access to All That Cash


together with

gm. I hope everyone’s doing ok and getting through the SVB situation. Let’s stay optimistic about what’s gonna happen and get through this together.

The startup ecosystem is stronger when we stick together than when we’re tearing each other apart on Twitter. So let’s stick together folks.


Mm-hmm, sure. So, what’s the catch?

We know it may sound too good to be true. But it’s not only possible, it’s happening—and thousands of investors are smiling all the way to the bank, thanks to the fine-art investing platform Masterworks.

These results aren’t cherry-picking. This is the whole bushel. Masterworks has built a track record of 11 exits, the last 3 realizing +13.9%, +35.0%, and +10.4% net returns* even while financial markets plummeted.

But art? Really? Okay, skeptics, here are the numbers. Contemporary art prices:

  • outpaced the S&P 500 by 131% over the last 26 years

  • have the lowest correlation to equities of any asset class

  • remained stable through the dot-com bubble and ’08 crisis.

Got your attention yet? Homescreen readers can skip the waitlist with this exclusive link.


Ok Friday’s very important question got some nostalgia-hitting results:

“I grew up in Farmville, Virginia too - it was more of a reality” Lol.

“In 7th grade I made fake FB accounts to trade with myself, going as far as friending multiple adult strangers to trade with. Probably not the smartest move in hindsight... but hey, digital crops amiright???” Idk that sounds like a smart move to me. Farmville crops were the OG Bitcoin.

Alright on to today’s poll:

What was the #1 reason for SVB's collapse?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.


Looking at three startups that just raised. Congrats!

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All Access to All That Cash

Jason Calcanis’s 2017 book predicted the future

The 2nd largest bank collapse in American history happened this week.

And it took the US startup scene by storm.

Thanks primarily to Jason Calcanis’s all-caps tweets, the US announced that depositors will have access to ALL their funds on Monday.

Ok maybe it wasn’t just Jason Calcanis.

Apparently the Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, the Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome Powell, and FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg came together and decided it was time to save tech.

“Depositors will have access to all of their money starting Monday, March 13. No losses associated with the resolution of the Silicon Valley Bank will be borne by the taxpayer,” the joint letter reads.

Thank you Uncle Sam!

What did we learn?

I learned that if you write in ALL CAPS, Uncle Sam listens. Time to write the IRS a VERY STRONGLY WORDED LETTER THAT I WILL NOT BE PAYING MY TAXES.

Ok, but seriously we learned a few things.

Anduril’s Luke Metro said it best. “My main learning from the SVB take firehose is that very few ppl outside of tech view funded early stage founders as scrappy underdogs instead of the bourgeois.”

It became very clear this week how many people hate tech.

Even the press that cover tech hate tech. “They hate tech. What a way to spend your life,” wrote Intercom CEO Eoghan McCabe. It’s quite sad.

We want you to know on behalf of Homescreen that we love tech. We are what sometimes feels like the only tech news written by people that love tech.

We’re proud of innovation, we love learning, and we proudly wear hoodies and shower once a week. And we’re not stopping anytime soon.

Thanks for reading this issue. Homescreen supports you.


Car Thieves?

“Kids these days”.

It’s something that old people say when they don’t understand the doings of the young. Usually, it warrants either a meme or a "calm down boomer” in response.

But, this time, I think we’re all saying “kids these days”.

That’s because instead of enjoying normal childhood activities like smoking weed, going out to eat, and playing Fortnite until your eyes fall out, the youth are filling their waking hours by stealing cars.

And they’re learning how to from social media.

The Kia Boyz

Car theft has exploded since the pandemic, and much of it is concentrated among Kias and Hyundais.

That you can blame the Kia Boyz for.

The Kia Boyz (super-lame name imo) are the teenagers jacking Kias and Hyundais using just a screwdriver, a USB cord, and a how-to video from TikTok.

Yep, apparently stealing a Kia is so easy that a 10-year old can steal it, go on a joyride, and post it all on TikTok.

When In Doubt, Blame TikTok

If there’s a problem with the youth, chances are the adults are gonna blame TikTok. Sometimes it’s warranted, most of the time it’s not.

In this case, they are partly correct in doing so.

Yes, it’s indisputable that how-to videos on TikTok kickstarted this car-jacking epidemic. But, since then, TikTok has cracked down, removing any video that teaches kids how to steal cars.

Let’s hope that the crackdown is followed by a come down in stolen Kias.


Seed Round

Stat: $42,000: How much Twitter’s API will cost per month. Hey, Elon’s gotta pay the bills somehow.

Story we're watching: The Biden administration is considering nuclear energy as part of the country’s clean energy standard. Nuclear has been the target of government fodder for years, but it appears that the tide is finally (and thankfully) turning.

Rabbit hole: Why So Many Elites Feel Like Losers (Persuasion)


  • Meta is building a Twitter alternative. What is that, like the 10th one?

  • A noble Redditor may have proven that Samsung faked its zoom Moon shots.

  • Apple CEO Tim Cook would not take no for an answer when it came to the release of Apple’s MR headset.

  • Elon is building his own town, Snailbrook. Imagine going to “Snailbrook High School” lol.


Sometimes you gotta be the Anti-Hero.


Notable layoffs this week:

GoPuff: 100 People (2%)

Shopee: 200 people

GoTo: 600 people


The best resources we came across this week that will help you become a better founder, builder, or investor.

đŸš¶đŸ»Greg Isenberg went on a walk and told us what he thought about. I was impressed because typically I just think about squirrels.

đŸ€‘Â There’s no such thing as “The Number” was a thought-provoking piece about chasing dollar-signs. Idk I still want that $1 billion though.

đŸ§˜đŸ»â€â™‚ïž I wrote about how to be a ~content~ content creator. If you’re a founder just starting out on your content journey, this is the article for you.