šŸ  China, Meet Biden's Boot

Biden makes a big move

Gm. My European journey comes to an end today. Itā€™s been an incredible summer, but damn if Iā€™m not ready to sleep in my own bed. Anyway, here are my final country rankings: 1) France 2) England 3) Spain. My DMs are open for all who disagree.


Bye Bye China

S*** is getting real.

On Wednesday, President Biden did something that has never been done in American history: limit the ability of US firms to invest overseas.

The target of this groundbreaking move?

A Deep Tech Focus

The Biden rules specifically forbid US firms from investing in high-end Chinese technology sectors. This means no US investor can throw money into Chinese quantum computing, semiconductor, or AI companies.

And Itā€™s not super hard to see why Biden singled out these sectors.

Nobody cares if a US company invests in a Chinese magazine. A magazine isnā€™t going to be used in a war. But quantum computing, semiconductors, and AI?

Thatā€™s stuff that is a bit more consequential for Chinaā€™s military.

What This Means For The Tech Industry

Obviously, this affects everyone player involved in the US-Chinese tech trade:

  • More firms will be forced to go the Sequoia route and break away from China.

  • New sources of capital will have to be found on both sides of the aisle, as the US and China both invested 10s of billions in each otherā€™s tech sectors.

  • With the way things are heading, Chinaā€™s going to have serious issues keeping up with AI due to a chip shortage, which is why they just panic-ordered $5B worth of Nvidia chips.

Itā€™s a major move any way you slice it, and considering the state of US-Chinese relations, it likely wonā€™t be the last.

The Bottom Line: You can say a lot of things about Biden, but one thing you canā€™t say is that heā€™s soft on China.

šŸ  AI

ChatGPT Gets Customizable

ChatGPT has been catching a lot of flak lately for potentially getting dumber and for a pretty sizeable drop in usage.

But that isnā€™t stopping OpenAI from nurturing its flagship product. On the contrary, OpenAI just hooked ChatGPT up with a significant upgrade.

Weā€™re talking about none other than customizable instructions.

Customizable instructions work exactly as youā€™d expect. You tell ChatGPT how you want it to answer, and then ChatGPT answers all your questions that way.

At first glance, that doesnā€™t sound very new. People have always given ChatGPT instructions. The newness is that instructions are now natively built into ChatGPT.

In other words, you donā€™t have to retype the instructions every time you start a fresh conversation.

This is good for both wackballs like me who want to converse with a drunk Shakespeare, and for actual productive members of society like teachers who want the answers geared toward their studentsā€™ grade level.

Everybody wins.

The Big Picture: With a new chatbot getting released what seems like every month, ChatGPTā€™s competition keeps growing stiffer. Quality of life upgrades like this will be key to keeping it ahead of the pack.

šŸƒā€ā™€ļø QUICKIES

What else is going on?

Stat: 26%: The total amount of venture dollars raised was 26% higher in Q2 compared to Q1. Thereā€™s light at the end of the tunnel everyone.

Rabbit hole: The Future Of Tech Looks A Lot Like Pixar (Digital Native)


If you want a boring list of startup raises, look away now. If you want the 3 coolest raises of the week, then youā€™ve come to the right place.


This Final Jeopardy! question stumped every contestant. Can you get it right?

Category: The U.S. Government

Clue: On August 15, 1994, 59 years and 1 day after FDR signed the original act, Bill Clinton made this an independent agency.


The best resources we recently came across that will help you become a better founder, builder, or investor.

ā®ļø Recast turns your want-to-read articles into rich audio summaries.

ā­ļø Looking for investors? Raizer has a database of 52,000 of them.

šŸ¤– If youā€™re into AI, psychology, or philosophy, then you need to check out Generative Agents.


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